Coach obtains an access code from their local Member Association to access the online coaching program.
Coach signs up for (Status page) and completes the appropriate pre-clinic assessment at http://nccp.lacrosse.ca.
Coach registers for a clinic (Status page).
Coach attends clinic.
Clinic facilitator checks off all the coaches who attended the clinic and submits a course registration form to their Member Association to be forwarded on to the CAC.
Coach is now able to register for (Status page) and complete their workbook.
Coach submits their workbook to the CLA.
CLA staff member marks the workbook.
An automated email is sent to the coach's email address to inform him/her of the successful completion of the workbook, or feedback for corrections if applicable.
If corrections are required, coach logs back into their account, reads the feedback provided at the bottom of each incomplete page, corrects their mistakes and re-submits their workbook.
The information is transferred to the coach's Locker profile (Coaching Association of Canada) using the coach's National Coaching Certification Program number.
follows the link on the Status page to the online Making Headway in Sport and Make Ethical
Decisions evaluations and completes the evaluation. These online evaluations can be found under the Elearning tab. Note: Coaches will
require their NCCP# and password to access the online Making Headway in Sport and Make Ethical
Decisions evaluation. If they do not have one or both of these pieces of
information, they should e-mail coach@coach.ca.
- Upon
successful completion of the online Making Headway in Sport and Make
Ethical Decisions evaluation, the evaluation will appear on the coach’s Locker transcript.
- Coach then asks for NSO confirmation for both Making Headway in Sport and Make Ethical Decision (Status page).
Coach registers for an in-person or video evaluation (Status page).
Member Association (MA) assigns an evaluator to the coach and notifies both individuals.
Evaluator gets in touch with the coach and makes arrangements to complete the evaluation.
Evaluator forwards the in-person evaluation form to the MA who in return confirms to the Canadian Lacrosse Association (CLA) the coach's successful completion of the in-person evaluation.
The coach's profile is updated.